Many men were confronted with urological disorders at least once. A fast-acting, inexpensive drug for prostatitis can be bought at any pharmacy in the country.
Forms of medicines
The choice of pharmacy products today is huge, and they come in a variety of packs and packs. Medicines are available in the form:
- Tablets with a dense structure.
- Capsules consisting of an active ingredient in the form of granules and a gelatinous shell.
Tablets and capsules are divided into several types:
- Antibiotics, which, depending on the active substance in the composition, are divided into subspecies: penicillin, tetracycline, fluoroquinolone;
- antispasmodics;
- Capsules with anti-inflammatory properties;
- Alpha blockers;
- Medicines to improve blood circulation.
The above drugs are absorbed through the mouth, i. H. orally. The therapy lasts an average of 10 days.
- Injection solutions for intravenous or intramuscular injections. Such a treatment helps to transport the active ingredient into the body very quickly.
- Suppositories that are inserted into the patient's rectum. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help cope with the disease quickly. At the same time, they have an analgesic effect. For correct insertion, the patient lies on his stomach and remains in this position for approx. 30 minutes after insertion. This time is enough for the uvula to completely dissolve and absorb into the mucous membrane. Candles are placed in courses that last 5 to 10 days.
- Instillations that are only given in a medical hospital under medical supervision. The medical fluid is poured through the urethra with a catheter. Thanks to this delivery technology, the active ingredient becomes the focus of the inflammatory process. Therefore the problem is solved quickly.
- Microclysters, consisting of decoctions of herbs. They have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, healing with the help of microclysters will not be possible. This type of alternative medicine should be used in conjunction with drug therapy.

Prostatitis pills are inexpensive and effective
A fast-acting, inexpensive drug for prostatitis can help a man get rid of the inflammatory process of the genitourinary system.
The most commonly used antibiotics based on fluoroquinolone and moxifloxacin. The drugs cope with the disease in the chronic stage.
With an acute illness or with the next exacerbation of the chronic inflammatory process of the gland, antibiotics of the aminopenicillin group are prescribed.
Cephalosporins are tablets that are suitable for combating every stage of the disease. However, the effect of such drugs depends on sensitivity to antibiotics.
Azithromycin and clarithromycin are substances that have minimal negative effects on the body. That is why they are considered less effective helpers in the fight against disease.
The drug made on the basis of the components of the tetracycline group, due to its high natural activity, copes well with chlamydia and mycoplasma - microorganisms of the atypical group. It does not cause any side effects and is well tolerated.
Each representative of the stronger sex has an individual susceptibility to certain drugs. Hence, there is no one cure-all that is suitable for everyone. A fast-acting, inexpensive drug for prostatitis should only be bought after consulting a doctor. NSAIDs are prescribed to reduce inflammation.
They relieve severe pain cramps with antispasmodic agents.
Alpha blockers are recommended as adjuvants in moderate illnesses.
How to choose a drug
As you can see, a fast-acting, inexpensive drug for prostatitis comes in a wide variety. Hence, it is difficult to make the right choice.
Depending on the stage of the disease, the doctor prescribes pills, acute and chronic stages are treated with different drugs. Antispasmodics, antibiotics, and pain relievers are sometimes used at the same time.
In order to choose the right drugs to get rid of an unpleasant disease, its main purpose should be determined. Some agents are used for prophylaxis, others kill viruses and pathogenic microorganisms, and still others improve blood circulation and prevent congestion in the prostate and surrounding organs. Some patients in urological practices also suffer from severe pain as a result of an acute inflammatory process.
Only an expert who has analyzed the results of laboratory tests can make a diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate treatment, choose dosages and calculate the duration of treatment.
Antibiotic substances
Experts recommend taking antibiotics for both chronic and acute forms of the disease. Today it is an irreplaceable helper in the treatment of urological inflammation. It speeds recovery by:
- kills pathogenic microorganisms;
- relieves inflammation;
- reduces poisoning from the presence of dangerous flora.
Anti-inflammatory drugs
To combat atypical microorganisms, substances with anti-inflammatory properties are used. These are usually non-steroidal pills that reduce inflammation. They reduce prostate edema and pain syndrome practically disappears.
Therapy cannot do without them because it is so important to relieve the patient of pain in order to achieve the next therapeutic level of effectiveness. Some patients are insensitive to this type of panacea, so the urologist prescribes powerful hormonal preparations.
Alpha blockers
Tablets of this group are not considered basic, but rather an aid to getting rid of ailments. They perfectly relieve the symptoms of pain, eliminate swelling of the organs of the reproductive system, and also enhance the effect of other elements of therapy.
Alpha blockers normalize the impaired urination in the course of the disease of moderate severity. They relieve cramps in the prostate and bladder neck. This in turn lowers the pressure in the urethra, which leads to a normal flow of urine. The modern pharmacy segment cannot yet offer a wide range of alpha blockers.
It is advisable to prescribe antispasmodic drugs in the acute form of the disease. They make the smooth vascular muscles softer and more relaxed and increase the microcirculation in the blood. This will remove the cramps and thus the pain.
Blood circulation pills
Blood congestion is a common cause of urological problems. At the same time, it disrupts the normal functioning of organs, which slows down the action of antibiotics. Therefore, measures to improve blood circulation must be carried out together with them.
As practice shows, a fast-acting inexpensive drug for prostatitis can be effectively used to quickly defeat an insidious disease. However, it should be prescribed by a narrow-profile specialist who will correctly diagnose and prescribe a course of recovery.